Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering - Call for Speaker

I am ​Program Committee Co-Chair at the Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering in December, 2020, and will also give a talk. You may join the conference in person or online. Are you going to join me?


Conference Details

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is concerned with computing technologies that allow machines to see, hear, talk, think, learn, and solve problems. The huge potential of applying AI for problem solving represents an exciting future that business objectives can be achieved much more effectively. In addition, business-business, business-customer, and customer-customer may be interconnected in a revolutionary way to stimulate tremendous amount of interesting activities. A core of AI is Knowledge Engineering that addresses the acquistion, understanding, description, storage, integration, processing, control, and use of knowledge, among others.

The Third IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering (AIKE 2020), is an international forum for academia and industries to exchange visions and ideas in the state of the art and practice of Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering, as well as to identify the emerging topics and define the future of Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering.

December 9-11, 2020
Virtual (earlier planned in Laguna Hills, California)



General Co-Chairs:

David Ostrowski, USA | Giovanni Pilato, Italy | Phillip Sheu, USA |

Jeffrey Tsai, Taiwan | Benjamin Wah, Chinese University of Hongkong

​Program Committee Co-Chairs:

Ajay Bansal, USA | Pierpaolo Basile, Italy | Seong-je Cho, Korea |

Tieyun Qian, China | Alexander Wachtel, Germany 


  • Syntactic and semantic aspects of knowledge

  • Knowledge management

  • Distributed knowledge and processing

  • Real-time knowledge and processing

  • Hardware and software of knowledge systems

  • Knowledge understanding and modelling

  • Knowledge discovery

  • Query and optimization

  • Integrity, security, and fault tolerance

  • Machine and deep learning of knowledge

  • Knowledge integration

  • "Big Knowledge" and reduction

  • Performance evaluation

  • Communicating knowledge and agents

  • Multi-modal interactions

  • Applications

The conference proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press. Distinguished quality papers presented at the conference will be selected for the best paper/poster awards and for publication in internationally renowned journals.