Microsoft Certified Azure AI Engineer

Am 07. Juli 2020 hatte ich die Microsoft Prüfung AI-100 abgelegt und darf mich für 2 Jahre Microsoft Certified Azure AI Engineer Associate nennen.


Zur Vorbereitung wurde folgender Inhalt verwendet:

Analyze solution requirements (25-30%)

Recommend Cognitive Services APIs to meet business requirements

Map security requirements to tools, technologies, and processes

Select the software, services, and storage required to support a solution

Design AI solutions (40-45%)

Design solutions that include one or more pipelines

Design solutions that uses Cognitive Services

Design solutions that implement the Bot Framework

Design the compute infrastructure to support a solution

Design for data governance, compliance, integrity, and security

Implement and monitor AI solutions (25-30%)

Implement an AI workflow

Integrate AI services with solution components

Monitor and evaluate the AI environment