Kostenloses Buch: A Developer’s Guide to Building AI Applications

O’Reilly and Microsoft are excited bring you a new e-book on AI, titled A Developer’s Guide to Building AI Applications.  This book, which is clearly developer-focused, walks you through the process of building intelligent cloud-based bots, and makes relevant code samples available from GitHub. As you know, AI is accelerating the digital transformation of every industry on the planet. It is our goal to allow developers and organizations of all stripes to be able to use AI successfully to augment human ingenuity and create the next generation of intelligent apps. Through this new e-book, Anand Raman and Wee Hyong Tok of Microsoft provide a comprehensive roadmap for developers to build their first AI-infused application.


Build 2018: Visual Studio Tools for AI

Visual Studio Tools for AI makes it easy to train, debug and deploy AI infused applications and services. Come learn how to easily infuse AI into your applications and services, get started with machine learning and scale out model training in the cloud using Azure Machine Learning and Azure Batch AI all from Visual Studio for maximum productivity.

[Slides] [Video]

Speaker: Chris Lauren, Principal Program Manager, Microsoft

Chris Lauren is a Principal Program Manager in the Cloud + AI team. He has worked at Microsoft for 19 years, focused exclusively on Big Data, Machine Learning and AI. His current primary passion is building tools and services which enable developers to productive with machine learning. Infuse AI into your apps today using Azure (, Visual Studio ( or Visual Studio Code ( today! 

Microsoft Virtual Academy Kurs: Azure Data Analytics für Entwickler

In diesem Kurs werden die Möglichkeiten von Azure Data Analytics besprochen. Dabei wird darauf eingegangen was Maschinelles Lernen überhaupt ist und die Möglichkeiten von Azure Machine Learning werden anhand eines praktischen Beispiels vorgestellt. Außerdem werden die Analysemöglichkeiten von Azure Stream Analytics auf sich schnell verändernden Datenbeständen näher betrachtet.

TechTalk: An interactive action set detection in natural language hybrid system

In this paper, we introduce an interface for natural language dialog system and the Microsoft Excel API. This interface enables users to describe actions in unrestricted natural language interactively and run these actions in the technical domain like Microsoft Excel. We implement a hybrid system that supports natural language interactions similar as a chat bot and gesture control to follow the user’s showing actions.

Imagine Cup 2017 World Finals

„Bitte lassen Sie Ihr Gepäck nicht unbeaufsichtigt!“ So oder so ähnlich hören sich die Sicherheitshinweise an öffentlichen Plätzen, wie Flughäfen oder Bahnhöfen oftmals an. Und tatsächlich ist die Gefahr eines Gepäckdiebstahls auf Reisen nicht von der Hand zu weisen. Oftmals bemerkt das Opfer den Diebstahl erst, wenn es bereits zu spät ist. Hierfür hat ein Team von Informatikstudierenden am KIT nun eine Lösung entwickelt.